Polarization Imaging

Camera SALSA
SALSA – is compact and robust, and has all the attributes of a regular digital video camera (easy operation, point & shoot, Ethernet connection, C-mount lens) plus the polarization analysis capability.

Along with the intensity and the spectrum, the polarization of light carries abundant information. The Stokes formalism allows for complete description of any partial or total polarization state. While most of the available polarization imaging cameras perform only linear Stokes polarization imaging (only the linear polarization can be quantified), SALSA performs live measurement of the full Stokes vector for each pixel of the image at a video frame rate. Many polarization-related parameters can be visualized in real time such as the Stokes parameters (S0, S1, S2 , S3), the Degree Of Polarization (Linear or Circular), the Angle Of Polarization, the Ellipticity angle, etc.

Coupled with a dedicated software, SALSA allows a Full Stokes polarization analysis for each pixel of the image, in real time. Applications of SALSA range from target detection and identification to 3D reconstruction and robotic vision. SALSA operates in passive and active imaging. Coupled with a dedicated software, SALSA allows a Full Stokes polarization analysis for each pixel of the image, in real time. Applications of SALSA range from target detection and identification to 3D reconstruction and robotic vision. SALSA operates in passive and active imaging.

  • Linear Stokes Polarization Analysis
  • Image contrast enhancement
  • Imaging through canopies and shades
  • Target Detection & Identification
  • Complex 3D surface reconstruction

Camera SAMBA

SAMBA – is a polarization-difference digital camera. Compact and robust, SAMBA has all the attributes of a regular digital video camera (easy operation, point & shoot, firewire connection) plus the polarization analysis capability.

Polarization difference camera is mainly used in ACTIVE imaging configuration, where the scene is illuminated by a controlled source. Measurement with SAMBA requires a totally polarized illumination in order to take full advantage of its performances.

Coupled with a dedicated software, SAMBA allows the analysis of the scattering properties of objects. It is designed for the measurement of the gloss of textured objects with complex 3d shape and can be defined as an imaging glossmeter. SAMBA delivers gloss degree images related to the human visual assessment and gloss images related to the surface quality. Its field of applications is very wide and ranges from cosmetic testing (skin, hair, lips, nails, …) to gloss measurement of industrial parts.

SAMBA is available in monochrome or color mode and may be equipped with CCD sensor 1/2″ or 1/3″.

Spectral bandwidth is 400 – 700 nm and resolution: 320×240, 640×480, 782-582, 1380×1080.

Areas of application:

  • robotics,
  • security,
  • safety,
  • cosmetics industry,
  • medical,
  • quality control.
